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Docket #: S21-342

Rapid Online Assessment of Reading (ROAR)

The Stanford Rapid Online Assessment of Reading (ROAR) is an innovative tool designed to streamline and enhance the way educators, parents, and specialists assess the reading abilities of students. This digital platform offers a quick and efficient method for evaluating reading skills across a wide age range, providing immediate results that can be used to identify areas of strength and those requiring improvement.

ROAR leverages the latest in educational technology to offer an adaptive testing experience, ensuring that the level of difficulty is dynamically adjusted to match the student's capabilities. This approach helps maintain the student's engagement and motivation, providing a more accurate reflection of their true reading ability. The assessment covers a range of reading skills, including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, offering a comprehensive overview of a student's reading proficiency.

One of the key features of ROAR is its accessibility and ease of use. It can be administered online, requiring minimal setup and no special equipment beyond a standard computer or tablet and an internet connection. This makes it an ideal solution for both in-person and remote learning environments, allowing educators to conduct assessments with students anywhere in the world.

The immediate availability of results is another significant advantage of ROAR. Upon completion of the assessment, educators are provided with detailed reports that highlight students' reading levels, pinpoint specific areas of difficulty, and suggest targeted interventions. This instant feedback enables educators to quickly implement necessary support or adjustments to their instructional strategies, potentially leading to improved learning outcomes.

Additionally, ROAR is backed by the credibility and expertise of Stanford University, ensuring that the assessment is grounded in rigorous academic research and adheres to high standards of educational assessment. This reassures educators and parents of the tool's validity and reliability.

In summary, the Stanford Rapid Online Assessment of Reading (ROAR) represents a forward-thinking solution for reading assessment. Its adaptability, ease of use, immediate feedback, and strong academic foundation make it a valuable asset for educators looking to enhance their understanding of students' reading abilities and to tailor their teaching approaches to meet individual needs effectively.


  • Educational Assessment
  • Screening for Reading Difficulties
  • Curriculum Development
  • Research in Literacy
  • Remote Learning


  • Immediate Feedback
  • Accessibility and Convenience
  • Adaptive Testing
  • Comprehensive Assessment
  • Cost-effective

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