Docket #: S92-160
Anti-P-Selectin - WAPS12.2
Anti P-Selection Antibodies WAPS12.1 and WAPS12.2 - (WAPS12.2 - ATCC HB-299)
A panel of mouse anti-human P-selecitn antibodies were produced by immunizing mice with a mouse lymphoid cell line, L1/2m stably transfected with a human P-selectin cDNA construct. a panel of antibodies reacting with the transfectants, but not withhost cells, were isolated and characterized. Of particular interest in this intial disclosure is monoclonal antibody WAPS 12.2, which was found to be highly effectice at blocking neutrophil binding to P-selectin transfectants. The antibody reacts with human platelets and with endothelial cells in tissue section immunohistolofy. The epitope recogninzed is calcium-sensitive.
Stabilized antibodies that block less well included WAPS 1.2. Non-blocking antibodies or antibodies not well characterized for blocks included WAPS 2.1, 4, 3.4, 6.3, 10.2, 14.1, 17,2, 16.3, and 18.1.
Two antibodies, WAPS 7.5 and possibly WaPS 5, were found to react with P-selectin transfectants and human platelets, but not with human enfothelial cell in immunohistologic sections. WAPS 2.1 reacts with rabbit platelets.
The fusion and antibody characterization was carried out by Aaron Warnock, an LSRA II in Dr. Buthcers's labratory. The fusion occured in January or Feburary 1992 and antibody characterization was completed over the following months and is detailed in Aaron Warnock's laboratory notebooks.
- Journal of Immunology, 1994 Nov 1, 153 (9) :3917-28
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