Docket #: S08-098
Automated Archiving of Scientific Data
This patented system stores, indexes, serves and archives large data sets over long periods of time. It is particularly useful for data, including that from scientific instruments, where frequent immediate access and long-term occasional access are required. It seamlessly connects an online cache with an automatically written offline disk-based archive. By keeping the online cache to a minimum, it can be maintained and served by an energy efficient desk-top or rack-mounted server.
- Data management – including archiving data from scientific instruments
- Automatic - offline cache is automatically written as data files accumulate, users do not need to perform manual back-up
- Tamper guard - to detect changes to files
- Online restricted access - stored files are accessible via the internet with access restricted to the owner or owner-designated individuals
- Standard hardware - the system can run in an ordinary office environment, on standard equipment that readily fits on a desk top
- Published Application: 20100161561
- Issued: 8,548,950 (USA)
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