Docket #: S11-171
Count Indexing for Fast Updates in Column Store Databases
Researchers in Prof. Michael Genesereth's laboratory have developed "count indexes", a unique indexing scheme to efficiently update run-length encoded columns in column stores. This method significantly lowers the update complexity to be logarithmic in the number of the tuples as compared to current methods that update a relation in time that is linear in the number of the tuples. The proposed indexing scheme can be generalized to other compression schemes and supports in-place updates of tuples (both inserts as well as deletes). Count indexing enables the "best of both worlds" scenario in column stores by supporting fast in-place updates while allowing efficient look-ups.
- Enterprise databases - indexing scheme for updates of column store systems, including run-length and bitmap-encoded compressions
- Bitmaps and video compression - indexing scheme for updates and bulk inserts into run-length sequences without decompressing the sequence
- Fast - attributes can be updated in time that is logarithmic in the number of runs in the respective columns as opposed to linear
- Independent of compression scheme - count indexing can be used with run-length encoding, bit-map encoding, block-oriented storage systems, or uncompressed sequences
- Supports inserts and deletes
- Published Application: 20130097127
- Issued: 9,720,927 (USA)
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