Docket #: S82-011
A Monoclonal Antibody Specific for Mouse and Human B Cells
Lab designation: RA3 6B2; A rat-mouse hybridoma cell line producing a monoclonal IgG2a rat AB which recognizes a B cell specific form of the T200 family of cell surface glycoproteins. B220 was first characterized by another MAB, RA3-3A1. By immunofluorescence analysis, the staining distribution of RA3-6B2 on mouse tissues is identical to that of RA3-3A1. The AB stains mouse pre-B cells, B cells and plasma cells, but not thymocytes, peripheral T cells or non-lymphoid hemaotpoietic cells in the spleen or bone marrow. A major difference between RA3-6B2 and RA3-3A1 is that the former stains brightly a population of human blood cells which were found to be predominantly B cells and also stains several human B cell lymphomas.
Clone: RA3-6B2
Specificity: Mouse and human B cells
- Coffman, Robert L. and Irving L. Weissman. B220: a B cell-specific member of the T200 glycoprotein family. Macmillian Jounals Ltd., 1981.
- Coffman, Robert L. and Irving L. Weissman, A Monoclonial Antibody that Recognizes B Cells and B Cell Precursors in Mice. J. Exp. Med.Vol 153, February 1981, 269-279.
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