Docket #: S07-320
MRI - Multiple Repetition Time Steady-State Free Precession Imaging
A method of providing selective spectral suppression in balanced SSFP magnetic resonance imaging for a first and second species is provided. A plurality of balanced SSFP images are acquired. Each acquisition includes applying RF excitations in a sequence of TR intervals with each being applied in an associated TR interval. The sequence of TR intervals includes at least one data acquisition TR interval and at least two secondary TR intervals each having a duration that is shorter than the data acquisition TR interval. A first secondary TR interval precedes the data acquisition TR interval and a second secondary TR interval follows the data acquisition TR interval. The duration of the second secondary TR interval is substantially equal to the first secondary TR interval such that the sequence of TR intervals is substantially symmetric with respect to duration about a center point of the sequence of TR intervals.
- Issued: 7,560,925 (USA)
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