Docket #: S07-079
MRI - Slice-selective Tunable AdiaBatic Low peak Power Excitation (STABLE) pulse
A manifestation of the invention provides a method for slice selective excitation for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A B.sub.0 field is applied. A STABLE pulse comprising of a BIR-4 envelope sampled by a plurality of subpulses with a duration is applied, where amplitude and frequency modulation functions of the BIR-4 envelope are slowly varying with respect to the duration of the subpulses. A portion of k-space is read out to obtain k-space data. The STABLE pulse and readout are repeated until sufficient k-space has been acquired. A Fourier Transform of the k-space data is taken.
- Published Application: 20090230958
- Issued: 7,683,618 (USA)
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