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Docket #: S55-609C

129-Gt(ROSA)26Sor tml(CAG-EGFP) - Jackson Laboratory Stock Number 006053

MADM-GG mice are viable with no gross behavioral or observable abnormalities. Regardless of Cre-recombination, these mice express EGFP as their N- and C-terminal coding sequences are interrupted by the beta-actin intron in-frame high EGFP expression in every cell can be visualized in vivo and in fixed samples. These mutant mice are a control EGFP-expressing strain for use with MADM (mosaic analysis with double markers) mice. Using the MADM system, a researcher can generate genetic mosaics in which an individual organism contains somatic cells of different genotypes. This allows the researcher to ascertain lineal relationships and gene function in multicellular organisms.


  • Cell differentiation and mitosis


These mice are available directly from The Jackson Laboratory Stock Number 006053 to academic and non-profit researchers. For-profit companies must obtain a license from Stanford prior to the transfer of the mice from The Jackson Laboratory.

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