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Docket #: S17-285

A clinical test for early diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysm

Stanford inventors have developed an early-stage screening method to diagnose abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). AAA is a common cardiovascular disease with high prevalence in European men 65 years and above. Even though there is a mortality rate of 90%, the current method of diagnosis is often by accidental ultrasound, and usually at very late stages.
Despite a strong genetic component, understanding of AAA is still limited, so there is no effective screening test for AAA in early stages. This invention, as a product from our scientific research, aims to fill this gap and provide an effective solution for early AAA diagnosis and screening.

Stage of Development:

  • Proof-of-concept
  • Using a novel quantitative machine-learning model, this method achieved an average AUC=0.7 in blind tests using mutation information from specific genome regions alone. When combined with other measurements such as physiology and lifestyle that was increased to AUC=0.8.
  • Applications

    • Clinical Screening for AAA


    • Genetic-based screening for AAA, allowing for earlier diagnosis.
    • Enables effective healthcare practices; targeted approach can pinpoint vulnerable groups of people rather than broad screens


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