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Docket #: S08-217

Tactile Feedback Device with Skin Stretch

Stanford researchers have developed a patented, wearable, haptic feedback device that provides position and velocity information on the limbs and torso by imparting rotational skin stretch. The motions and sensations produced are analogous to those obtained by placing two fingers against the skin and rotating them together. With brief training, users are able to use skin stretch to gain a sense of motion of their limbs when such feedback is otherwise missing or deficient. Applications for this device include motion training for sports or physical therapy and proprioceptive feedback for enhanced control of prosthetics.

Stage of Research:
The inventors have completed and tested a prototype of portable skin stretch device, strapped to the forearm.

Portable Skin Stretch Device


  • Medical device - haptic feedback for:
    • motion training in rehabilitation, physical therapy or athletic training
    • proprioception in prosthetics
  • Gaming - virtual reality control device


  • Accurate - Provides an accurate display of the position and velocity of joints
  • Efficient - Provides both static position and dynamic motion with a single stimulus
  • Compact design - Light weight, portable, requires little power, low cost components
  • Versatile design - Shape of the device can be modified to fit various parts of the body (e.g. legs, torso, arms, hand)


Controller Block Diagram

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